Meet Tim Collins.

Tim Collins brings over 20 years of expertise in strategic marketing, public relations, and communications, specializing in transforming challenges into opportunities. His profound understanding of human behavior and motivation has been pivotal in effectively targeting consumers and influencing individuals and teams. From enhancing market share to orchestrating global product launches, Tim's expertise underpins his practical approach to coaching and consulting.

What sets Tim apart is his ability to seamlessly integrate data-driven insights with real-world scenarios to develop strategic plans that not only look good on paper but also have a lasting positive impact. Tim delivers a holistic approach, leveraging strategic thinking to uncover root causes and collaborating with individuals and organizations to achieve deeply meaningful goals.

Renowned for his transformative leadership style and dedication to developing others, Tim excels at earning trust and securing buy-in from stakeholders. With an undergraduate degree in organizational management, a master’s in industrial-organizational psychology, and post-graduate certifications in behavioral assessment and positive psychology coaching, Tim's educational background complements his professional experience, making him a standout expert in coaching and consulting.

Tim's commitment to highlighting the human element is the cornerstone of Vital Framework, paving the way for transformative connections and investment, fostering both individual success and organizational growth.

Our Philosophy

“The Art of the Mindset Shift”

We’ve all heard the terms 'back to basics,' 'start from scratch,' or 'reinvent.' But what do they really mean? In life? In business? Is it necessary to reset the clock to zero when a change is needed? Is it feasible to strip everything away and start at square one? Our answer is simply, “no.” Most often what is necessary is simply a series of minor adjustments or tweaks. Slight changes to the framework that strengthen and support advancement and growth.

However, a key component to implementing these tweaks is the ability to view a situation or challenge with a renewed perspective. What is necessary is a slight mindset shift. And, we can help with that.

Our Vision:

To create a world in which individuals and organizations are inspired to confidently explore and leverage their strengths, overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

Our Mission:

To collaborate with individuals in developing and executing enduring frameworks that foster sustained strategic growth.

  • “Dream big, start small. But most of all, start.”

    -Simon Sinek