Professional Coaching

Professional coaching is a versatile tool that can be tailored to address a wide range of needs and challenges, fostering continuous improvement and growth.

Embarking on a coaching journey initiates a profound shift in perspective, optimizing both personal and professional transformation.

Leadership Coaching

It’s no doubt that we are living in chaotic times. Businesses are in flux, careers are being uprooted, and, our options for growth seem to be diminishing. In these instances, it is very easy to give up and allow yourself to be knocked around by these outside forces. However, giving up is NOT an option! Professional coaching will help you:

  • Build awareness and enhance performance

  • Create and sustain a new perspective and attitude towards challenges and difficult situations

  • Generate an action plan that produces tangible results

  • Develop a learning and growth strategy that embodies the spirit of constant improvement

  • Become a model of true leadership

Team Coaching

Teams are extremely powerful and an integral part of any successful organization. The breadth of knowledge, the varied skillsets and the different personalities are traits that make teams so wonderful. However, because of this diversity, channeling the team’s strengths can prove challenging. Team coaching will:

  • Improve communication and strengthen relationships

  • Increase productivity and workflow

  • Examine and leverage team dynamics

  • Build resilience and adaptability

  • Establish an action plan and enhance accountability

Career Coaching

Oftentimes, we define ourselves by our faults, our failures and our fears. This inevitably sets limitations on our ambitions, our drive, and, ultimately, our potential. Bottom line….it keeps us STUCK! With research-based coaching, we will partner together to:

  • Identify and develop your strengths

  • Pinpoint obstacles that are hindering growth

  • Foster positive, healthy relationships

  • Re-frame self image and create new definitions of who you are and what you are capable of

  • Create an actionable strategy to achieve goals and find fulfillment

  • "After working with Tim, he has helped me to create a better vision for my career and personal life. I highly recommend Tim if you are looking for a coach who can help accelerate your growth.”

    — Steven R. – Career/Personal Growth Coaching Client